Project Impacts
Maximizing wind and
solar energy potential
Green Energy Corridor of national importance

Rajasthan leads in Renewable Energy (RE) with identified wind and solar energy potential of 426GW1. BTL project will help integrate and evacuate power from RE zones in Fatehgarh (9.1 GW), Bhadla (8 GW) and Ramgarh (2.9 GW) areas of the state. This will facilitate transport of power from generation areas to cater to the power demand in the state.

Vital intervention for avoiding future power crisis

In recent years, Rajasthan witnessed severe power shortages due to abrupt surge in power demand towards the end of monsoon season coupled with partial shutdown of thermal power units either due to shortage of coal or technical glitches. As against the peak demand of 17.4 GW in the state, peak met stood at 17.2 GW in FY23, resulting in a demand-supply gap of 193 MW2. This led to scheduled and unscheduled prolonged power cuts across the state. BTL project will facilitate power supply from Renewable Energy (RE) zones in the state, thereby helping avoid future load shedding and also provide for future industry power needs.

power cuts
Achieving the
optimal energy mix
Benefit to agriculture sector

Severe power shortages that restrict use of irrigation pumps in the last stage of harvesting can lead crops to dry up. Besides, often during power shortages, farmers are supplied electricity in the night shift instead of day to irrigate their crops. BTL project can potentially help mitigate this risk.

Energy security of the state

Augmentation of transmission infrastructure through BTL project will help achieve a target of 90 GW3 for RE power generation upto 2029-30. The increased RE generation will not only ensure the energy security of the state but will also help accomplish ‘optimal energy mix’ of conventional and RE power.

Meeting the 2030
RE target
Industrial Growth
Boost to the state economy

The development of transmission infrastructure through BTL will help reduce deliberate reduction in generation of wind and solar power to maintain demand-supply balance. This will maximize the RE plant output, thereby enhancing viability of RE projects in the state. This will further help attract investment in the RE sector of Rajasthan. This will indirectly stimulate industrial development, and create employment opportunities, thereby boosting the state economy.
